




I like to believe that I am an Emirati Think-Tank. I observe, I listen, I learn from those around me. I watch characteristics and traits, and I spend a majority of my time figuring out how people think. That is how I became an Entrepreneur. Starting my first company with my own savings of AED 10,000, I am now the proud owner of 9 start ups, and have curated over 100 events across the Gulf. I am passionate about people with passion, and all I want to do is connect people, connect ideas, and inspire at least one person to know that they too are capable of anything.

Along my journey, I want to facilitate the vessel to the future. With that said, this platform is aimed at continuously building out our community. We can use it as a grounds to connect, a place to share our thoughts or simply to showcase what our country stands for: community, community and some more community.



Current Runnings

Current Runnings

Journeys. They’re all journeys. I had the opportunity to create, build and unravel the greatest of ideas. This community is thriving, we are going towards a future no one can imagine. I can’t wait.

Press Mentions

Press Mentions